Monday, October 31, 2005

CAMEROON willing to further develop relations with China ...

CAMEROON willing to further develop relations with China ...
People's Daily Online - Beijing,China
China has offered assistance and support to Cameroon in various fields
in the last few decades, Biya said while meeting Chinese Vice Commerce
Minister Wei ...

CAMEROON, China in Business Contacts

CAMEROON, China in Business Contacts - Africa
It was time for franc talk last Tuesday at the Yaounde Conference Centre when the business delegation from China met with that of Cameroon to identify areas of ...

SOUTH West: The land of Marvels (Mount Cameroon)

SOUTH West: The land of Marvels
All Africa - Mauritania
Cameroon's most significant mark on the globe, is the 4,070m-tall mountain (Mount Cameroon) lying at the West coast of Africa. History ...

ALCAN to Study Plan to Expand Plant in Cameroon

ALCAN to Study Plan to Expand Plant in Cameroon (Update1)
Bloomberg - USA
26 (Bloomberg) -- Alcan Inc., the world's second- largest aluminum producer, and the Cameroon government signed a letter of intent to spend $900 million to ...

Cameroon Seeks Glory at Faso

CYCLING : Cameroon Seeks Glory at Faso - Africa
... from Japan. The African teams include: Togo, Benin, Cameroon, Senegal, Angola, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger. Host Burkina ...

IMF to fund Cameroon's telecoms reforms

IMF to fund Cameroon's telecoms reforms
TeleGeography - Washington,D.C.,USA
Cameroon's Finance Minister, Polycarpe Abah Abah, said yesterday that the country's plans to privatise and restructure state-run telco CamTel are to be ...

CAMEROON Is Still Extremely Corrupt - Brian Cooksey

CAMEROON Is Still Extremely Corrupt - Brian Cooksey
Ici Cemac - Cameroon
Despite Cameroon's slight improvement on Transparency International, TI, corruption perception index, from 2.1 last year to 2.2 on a score of 10 this year, Dr ...

"...The Post: As a member of Transparency International, TI, in Tanzania and having lived and worked in Cameroon some 35 years ago, would you want to assess Cameroon's position on the corruption chart?

Dr. Brian Cooksey: I was in Buea in 1970, where I taught in Government Bilingual High School Molyko. A couple of years later, I went over to Yaounde where I spent two years doing research in the education sector. During my stay in Cameroon, there were two things that caught my attention. One, there was very little in the way of open speech or public press, or civil society or competitive politics.
Since it was a one party state, people did not talk much about politics in public because they were scared somebody was listening. Today, I have seen a big change in that perspective. You have now got competitive politics; you have got a relatively free press; there are private TV and radio stations and people are much more prepared to talk openly about these problems. ..."

CAMEROON At Threshold of Fcfa 1.400 Billion Debt Cancellation

CAMEROON At Threshold of Fcfa 1.400 Billion Debt Cancellation - Africa
Cameroon is poised to gain an external debt cancellation of FCFA 1.400 billion, if it reaches the completion point of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries ...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Radio Fides La Paz

Radio Fides La Paz S.R.L.
NIT: 1020523021
Ciudad: La Paz
Dirección: Calle Jenaro Sanjinez Nro 799 esquina Calle Sucre
Teléfonos: Recepción 2406363, Cabina de locución 2409191 y 2167777
Fax: 2406632

Bolivia: for true democracy indigenous peoples must be included, says Kobia

World Council of Churches - News Release
Contact: + 41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363
For immediate release: 3 June 2005
Bolivia: for true democracy indigenous peoples must be included, says Kobia

The inclusion of Bolivia's "indigenous peoples in social and political life" is one of the requisite steps "for the construction of meaningful and true democracy" in the country, the World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia affirmed in a letter to the churches of Bolivia today, 3 June.

Referring to the ecumenical pastoral letter "Come to a common agreement", sent this week by the Catholic archbishop of La Paz together with the presidents and bishops of eleven Bolivian protestant and pentecostal churches, Kobia expressed "his pain at the suffering of the Bolivian people" but also his "joy at the confirmation that the churches have united to speak with a prophetic voice at this difficult time".

Kobia recalled the biblical mandate to "work for an inclusive society in which the most vulnerable and marginalized people, in biblical language the poor, deserve special attention". And, in conjunction with the message from the Bolivian Christian leaders, he emphasized that "the criteria which must guide future actions" must be "the defence of life in all its manifestations".

The Spanish text of the ecumenical pastoral letter is available on the WCC website at:

The Spanish text of Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia's letter to the churches of Bolivia is also available at:

Additional information: Juan Michel,+41 22 791 6153 +41 79 507 6363

Via / From

Indigenous Uprising: The Rebellion Grows in Bolivia

Friday, June 3rd, 2005
Indigenous Uprising: The Rebellion Grows in Bolivia

 Rebellion is in the air in Latin America's poorest country, Bolivia. For weeks, indigenous-led protests have rocked the country and have brought the government to a near shutdown. The protests began as demonstrations calling for nationalization of the country's natural gas resources but that was just the spark for a much bigger war; a war over the rights of the country's majority indigenous population. We go to Cochabamba for a report from human rights activist Jim Shultz of the Democracy Center. [includes rush transcript]

Bolivia's US-backed President, Carlos Mesa, is scrapping to maintain control of the government and there are rumors in the air of coup plots.

Late yesterday, Mesa signed an emergency decree ordering a referendum on greater autonomy for the richest area of the country and a vote in mid-October to elect members for an assembly to rewrite the constitution. The protests have cut off the capital from the airport and blockades have shut down two-thirds of the country's highways.

More at:

Language Rights And Guarani Renaissance In Bolivia

Language Rights And Guarani Renaissance In Bolivia
Human Rights Dialogue: "Cultural Rights" (Spring 2005)
Bret Gustafson

 In much of Latin America the idea that Indian languages are fit for any modern purpose is seen as absurd, even subversive. The 60,000 Bolivian Guarani, like most other indigenous peoples throughout Latin America, have been fighting this prejudice as part of a wider struggle for political equality. In Bolivia, state reforms defined by "interculturalism" hold some promise for indigenous peoples. However, the quest for robust cultural rights is ongoing, and the history of native languages is particularly illustrative of that quest in Latin America.

The Guarani language flourished for several thousand years across South America and survived five hundred years of violent colonialism. With speakers in Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina, Guarani is still one of the largest indigenous language groups in South America. However, the language and its speakers find themselves increasingly displaced today. As Guarani land bases are reduced and communities are fragmented by migration and poverty, Guarani language has given way to Spanish, mirroring in some ways the fate of the people themselves.
 In Bolivia, elites long shared the Western idea that the path to modern nationhood required the unification of one people occupying one territory and speaking one language. With the expansion of public schooling after 1955, the country pursued this monolithic vision for fifty years, seeking to eradicate native languages and to impose Spanish in their stead. Reinforcing racist ideas about "Indian-ness," the effort stigmatized native language use and promoted cultural assimilation. Most Guarani remember their two or three years of schooling as a time of violence, fear, and silence. Today a bilingual teacher recalls trembling at the sight of white teachers. An elder recalls that "speaking out, especially in Guarani, would bring the stick." The imposition of Spanish was thus not just about the acquisition of a national language as a useful instrument, but about the negation of the indigenous right to exist as culturally distinct peoples.

More at:

Carlos Mamani

Carlos Mamani
Country: Bolivia
Field(s) of Work:  Human Rights, Civic Participation
Cultural Preservation, Community Involvement, Equality / Rights, Civic Participation
Target Population(s):  Indigenous Individuals, Communities / Residents, Ethnic Minorities, Communities / Residents
Organization:  Centro de Estudios Andinos
Location:  La Paz

Note: This profile was prepared when Carlos Mamani was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship  in 1995.

Carlos Mamani reduces discrimination and social alienation among Bolivia's indigenous peoples by strengthening and legitimizing the traditional ayllu system of governance in the Andean highlands.

Indigenous peoples constitute 75 percent of Bolivia's population, but they are often excluded from the country's civil processes because of racial discrimination and because they have been politically sidelined.

More at



 We, The Bolivian Rural Workers´ Trade Union Organisation (CSUTCB), Bolivian National Confederation of Settlers, National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu-Bolivia, Inquisivi Ayllus Council, Cochabamba Ayllus Council, South Oruro Ayllus Federation, Jacha Carangas Ayllus Western Council, Soras Nation, Ayllus Killkawi, Bolivian Rural Women´s National Federation "Bartolina Sisa", North Potosí Indigenous Ayllus Federation, Jach'a Suyu Pakajaqi, Potosí Indigenous Ayllus Council, Suyu Ingavi de Markas, Indigenous Ayllus and Communities, Aymara Educational Council, Quechua Educational Council, Indigenous People's Educational Council, Andean Agricultural and Livestock Development Centre, Aymara Women's Comprehensive Development Centre, Kechuaymara Foundation, Qullana, Aynikusun, Bautista Saavedra Provincial Federation of Quechas and Aymaras, Kollasuyu-OMAK Aymara Women´s Organisation, Qamasa Interinstitutional, CAADI, The La Paz Rural Workers´ Trade Union Federation "Tupaj Katari", Isalp-Potosí, Black Yunga Integration and Andean Oral History Workshop - THOA, have come together in Qullasuyu territory from 13th to the 15th March 2001, with the aim of raising our awareness about the process of inauguration of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and also to elaborate a strategy in order to participate actively in that process

More at:

A new dawn for native peoples

A new dawn for native peoples
Communities take charge of their own development
by Víctor Hugo Cárdenas **

After centuries of existence at the margins of society, Latin America's indigenous peoples are now entering their countries' economic and political mainstream.

The population of indigenous peoples is increasing, and the territory they occupy is expanding. They are becoming full-fledged players in their nations' economies, and in some cases, the international economy. Their languages and cultures are not only surviving, but are becoming newly invigorated.

Many countries have made constitutional, legal and institutional reforms that are reshaping the traditional relationship between indigenous communities and the nation state. The constitutions of Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, for example, now recognize the multicultural character of states and the existence within them of indigenous peoples as unique entities with specific rights and distinct cultures and languages. In a number of countries, governments are granting indigenous communities the authority to manage their own affairs as well as the natural resources of the areas in which they live.

More at:

Saturday, October 22, 2005

TVMAX - Douala - Cameroun

TVMAX - Douala - Cameroun

Bolivia >> Radio / TV Stations

Bolivia >> Radio / TV Stations on the Internet

Itinerary for George Lessard from Ft SMITH, Canada -> LA PAZ, Bolivia -> DOUALA, Cameroon -> FT SMITH, Canada

Itinerary for George Lessard
FT SMITH, Canada -> LA PAZ, Bolivia -> DOUALA, Cameroon -> FT SMITH, Canada

      TO: CESO/SACO                   ATTN-ANNA
            700 BAY STREET              DLVR BY 26OCT
            SUITE 700
            TORONTO ONT M5G 1Z6
        FOR: LESSARD/GEORGE MR          RES CODE: FRRCDI    REF: 28492 11799

Ms Jimena Avejera
Tels.: (591-2) 2796393/91 Fax: (591-2) 2796388
Av. Montenegro, esquina Calle 22, No.1557, Calacoto
La Paz-Bolivia
 PLEASE CALL 800-668-1116 OR 713-407-9848 COLLECT
          PLEASE CALL 416-961-2376 - CONFIRMED BY ABDULLAH

Leave for Bolivia
 11 NOV 05  -  FRIDAY
          DEP FORT SMITH    NT            1000           EQP: JETSTREAM 31 TURB
                                                         02HR 00MIN
          ARR EDMONTON INTL  AB           1200           NON-STOP
 11 NOV 05  -  FRIDAY
    AIR   AIR CANADA           FLT:178    ECONOMY        FOOD FOR PURCHASE
          DEP EDMONTON INTL  AB           1525           EQP: AIRBUS A319
                                                         03HR 44MIN
                                                         LOCATOR: KDFJQV
          ARR TORONTO ON                  2109           NON-STOP
          ARRIVE: TERMINAL 1
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-21C   AC-980063739

    AIR   AIR CANADA           FLT:80     ECONOMY
          DEP TORONTO ON                  2230           EQP: BOEING 767 300
                                                         08HR 00MIN
          DEPART: TERMINAL 1                             LOCATOR: KDFJQV
 12 NOV 05  -  SATURDAY
          ARR LIMA                        0630           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-20C   AC-980063739
    AIR   TACA                 FLT:35     ECONOMY
          DEP LIMA                        2100           EQP: AIRBUS A319
                                                         01HR 50MIN
                                                         LOCATOR: YROLJ4
          ARR LA PAZ         BO           2350           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT- 8C

Return to Canada from Bolivia / Leave for Cameroon

 10 DEC 05  -  SATURDAY
    AIR   TACA                 FLT:34     ECONOMY
          DEP LA PAZ         BO           0850           EQP: AIRBUS A319
                                                         01HR 55MIN
                                                         LOCATOR: YROLJ4
          ARR LIMA                        0945           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-10C

    AIR   AIR CANADA           FLT:81     ECONOMY
          DEP LIMA                        2240           EQP: BOEING 767 300
                                                         08HR 10MIN
                                                         LOCATOR: KDFJQV
 11 DEC 05  -  SUNDAY
          ARR TORONTO ON                  0650           NON-STOP
          ARRIVE: TERMINAL 1
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-22C   AC-980063739
 11 DEC 05  -  SUNDAY
    HOTEL TORONTO ON                      OUT-12DEC
          BEST WESTERN INTL               1 NIGHT
          BEST WESTERN TRAVEL INN         1 ROOM     1 QUEEN BED*
          TORONTO ON M9C5K5               CANCEL BY 04P DAY OF ARRIVAL
          FONE 416-620-1234
          FAX  416-620-1652
 12 DEC 05  -  MONDAY
    AIR   AIR FRANCE           FLT:359    ECONOMY
          DEP TORONTO ON                  1905           EQP: AIRBUS A340-300
                                                         07HR 30MIN
          DEPART: TERMINAL 3                             LOCATOR: YROLJ4
 13 DEC 05  -  TUESDAY
          ARR PARIS   DE GAULLE           0835           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-29J
    AIR   AIR FRANCE           FLT:946    ECONOMY
          DEP PARIS   DE GAULLE           1030           EQP: AIRBUS A340-300
                                                         06HR 40MIN
          DEPART: AEROGARE 2 TERMINAL F                  LOCATOR: YROLJ4
          ARR DOUALA                      1710           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-29J

Return to Canada from DOUALA Cameroon

 14 FEB 06  -  TUESDAY
    AIR   AIR FRANCE           FLT:943    ECONOMY        MEALS
          DEP DOUALA                      2350           EQP: AIRBUS A340-300
                                                         06HR 35MIN
                                                         LOCATOR: YROLJ4
 15 FEB 06  -  WEDNESDAY
          ARR PARIS   DE GAULLE           0625           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-27J
 15 FEB 06  -  WEDNESDAY
    AIR   AIR FRANCE           FLT:358    ECONOMY
          DEP PARIS   DE GAULLE           1315           EQP: AIRBUS A340-300
                                                         08HR 30MIN
          DEPART: AEROGARE 2 TERMINAL F                  LOCATOR: YROLJ4
          ARR TORONTO ON                  1545           NON-STOP
          ARRIVE: TERMINAL 3
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-25J
    HOTEL TORONTO ON                      OUT-16FEB
          BEST WESTERN INTL               1 NIGHT
          BEST WESTERN TRAVEL INN         1 ROOM     1 QUEEN BED*
          TORONTO ON M9C5K5               CANCEL BY 04P DAY OF ARRIVAL
          FONE 416-620-1234
          FAX  416-620-1652
 16 FEB 06  -  THURSDAY
    AIR   AIR CANADA           FLT:123    ECONOMY        FOOD FOR PURCHASE
          DEP TORONTO ON                  0815           EQP: AIRBUS A320
                                                         04HR 15MIN
          DEPART: TERMINAL 1                             LOCATOR: KDFJQV
          ARR EDMONTON INTL  AB           1030           NON-STOP
          LESSARD/GEORGE    SEAT-19C   AC-980063739

          DEP EDMONTON INTL  AB           1300           EQP: JETSTREAM 31 TURB
                                                         02HR 00MIN
          ARR FORT SMITH    NT            1500           NON-STOP
CESO Travel contact
Abdullah Assefi
Corporate Consultant
Navigant Canada, Ceso - On-site
700, Bay St, STE 700
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z6
416-961-2376 Ext 270 office
416-961-4612 fax

Monday, October 03, 2005

In Africa...

Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.

The Region...

Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.

Duala Cameroun

Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.

The National flag

Originally uploaded by The MediaMentor.

Spanish, Quechua, Aymara and Guarani

I might be travelling within the next few weeks to La Paz Bolivia to do some media work...
I am seeking those in journalism, broadcasting and communications... etc...
who are interested in regional, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic programming ...
helping deliver a broad selection of content ...
Including: news, education, science, sports, entertainment, current affairs, music, indigenous content, reinforcement of democratic values etc. via existing media in the 3 official languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara and Guarani)

Message posted to some e-mail lists

Douala, Cameroon

Date Posted: August 10, 2005
La date postée : le 10 août 2005
Pays : Cameroun
Ville : Douala
But : Formation d’un réalisateur pour téléfilms et spot-tv
Durée : 87 jours
Industrie : Audio / visual équipements

Description : L’entreprise TV + Cameroun est à la recherche d’un réalisateur pour donner de la formation dans le domaine publicitaire spot-tv et téléfilms.

First Test Post

Of course there must be a first post...