Sunday, November 13, 2005

George's First images of La Paz, Bolivia

Well I arrived.. after a long day waiting for the plane to La Paz at the airport in one piece and with all my baggage... Did not sleep much on the plane from Toronto to Lima.. so I spent most of Saturday trying not to fall asleep in the airport's food court (complete with McDonald's and an American donut chain)... Around 12:30Pm a couple of young lady students asked me if they could impose upon me to practice their English... Having been used to this in Beijing, I said sure.. and then had an enjoyable afternoon talking with them... It sure helped keep me awake....

The airport and customs in La Paz were no problem at all... and the folks from CESO Bolivia did find me right away as I left customs..

But what a drive to the hotel!

The road is quite wide.. four full size lanes... but the angle of descent... and I do mean  to use "angle of descent" to imply one must certainly have excellent breaks... because it would make an "expert level" ski slope if it has snow on it... Wow... I wish I could have take some pictures....! ! ! !

As you will see from the pictures from my hotel windows... I am on the 9th floor of an excellent apartment hotel within walking distance of downtown La Paz....

It is obvious that as Montreal's traffic must deal with the bridges... so to La Paz must deal with the mountains... it is surrounded by and part of the mountains... and they are mountains... not hills.. with cliffs and all... then add to that that the Bolivian driver drives as badly as the Indian driver (minus the cows)... one's drives are very interesting..

I will try and walk around and take some more images today.... as so far I am not suffering at all from the altitude... but I shall take at easy... the temperature is quite nice... like a nice cool sunny fall day in southern Canada...

I had a little bit of problem connecting to the internet.... but a reset of the router in the room seems to have taken care of the problem and the connection is quite fast... so uploading pictures should be no problem...

In La Paz Bolivia


JRO said...

stumbled upon your blog while seeing the photos on flickr,they look good.

enjoy Bolivia!

The MediaMentor said...

Thank you Jonathan... I've been here a week and am enjoying it very much...