Tuesday, March 31, 2009

From Russia... with text ... part 2

OK OK... yes I have been taking many pictures... I've a whole lovely set from my bead and breakfast balcony of ordinary Russians going to work in the morning.. walking their dogs... and the like... another set of traditional log and wooden houses surrounded by seeming towering modern apartment buildings... and just yesterday... I walked down what the British would refer to as "the high street"... here a pedestrian only street several blocks in length... got many photos of folks out for a warm spring evening stroll.. statues .. sore fronts and the like..... all this to say.. my client has high speed Internet access.. and as soon as I can get some time there I will indeed upload my pictures to my Flickr account... but I don't know when that will be...

Last night my client was kind enough to take me out to a live theatre comedy performance... normally this might be a problem because of language... but it was basically a cross between American slapstick, British pantomime and Italian comedy del arte.. so very few words required translation... the painted faces of the exaggeratedly costumed performers and their over dramatized actions communicated more than simple words would have done... a most entertaining two hours...
Strange though... apparently this troupe has been performing this production for some time... but upon arrival at the venue.. there was a not on the door apologizing for that fact that there was a change of venue and that a bus would transport us to the new venue.. (I paraphrase here) "The Performance Palace of the State Railway Workers" a very stately palace indeed.. of course a remnant of the Soviet era.. and fittingly decked out in beautiful marbles and full walled mosaics of workers at their toil... very much in the image of... um mm ... a railway station?

Twice I became part of the performance... once as a cut-away shot for the local arts and cultural TV channel.. (apparently they cover this troupe every performance as the troupe are known to often insert ad-lib political bards and commentary) and the second time when one of the many love-frustrated women characters was chasing after one of the macho males with a butterfly net... around the seats and through the audience... when they passed my seat the sing of her butterfly net landed the net right over my head... of course..this being the only obvious foreigner in the whole house and who just happened to have to wait to be seated so that he was on the edge of the wide open aisle... coincidence? sure.. I'll believe it... :-)

CESO-SACO  VA # 11799
Follow my Russian trip on my Overseas Blog at

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